Causes of Allergies In The Eyes

Causes of Allergies In The Eyes

Causes of Allergies In The Eyes – Itchy eyes are one of the problems that often occur. The drug that is commonly used to treat the itchy eye is eye drops. There are various kinds that can cause itchy eyes. Here are some causes of allergies in the eyes

Causes of Allergies In The Eyes

Various causes of itchy eyes

Knowing the causes of itchy eyes can help you find the right treatment to overcome this problem. Some causes of itchy eyes that might occur, including:

Itchy eyes can be caused by the use of excess gadgets
In the midst of the heavy technological advancement as it is today, humans tend to be unable to escape the law. Staring on the cellphone screen or computer in a long time can make your eyes tense so that it causes itchy and tired eyes.
In addition, reading in a place that is poorly lighting can also trigger itching in the eye.

Use a contact lens
Wearing a contact lens too long, does not clean it well, or does not replace it regularly, can irritate the eyes. This can make red and itchy eyes. Even in severe cases, the eyes can also experience swelling to loss of vision.

Most cases of itchy eyes caused by several types of allergies. Various allergens, such as pollen, dust, and animal feathers, causes the release of histamine compounds on the tissue around the eyes, causing allergic reactions, including itching, redness, and eye swelling.

Allergies can occur in certain seasons or throughout the year.
To find out if you have allergies or not, you can do an allergic test. In this test, a small number of allergens will be injected under your skin to see the reaction that occurs.
Allergy tests are safe for most children and adults. However, make sure this test is done by an allergic specialist or immunist.

Also Read :This is How to Overcome Drug Allergies

Air irritation
Some people are very sensitive to air irritants, such as pollution (smoke combustion, exhaust, chimney factory) or even certain perfumes. Embelement exposure with eyes can cause the eyes to itchy, sore, runny or red. Even in severe cases, it can cause blurred views or missing vision.

Eyes are susceptible to viral, bacterial, or fungal infections. All of these infections can cause itchy eyes. One eye infection that often occurs is conjunctivitis. Not only makes itchy eyes, conjunctivitis also makes the white part of the eye turning pink. These eye diseases are very contagious.
Other eye infections that might occur, namely uveitis or inflammation in the eye rainbow membrane (iris). In addition to itching, this condition can also cause extreme eye pain and sensitivity to light.…