Loss of Consciousness Due to Cold Allergy

Loss of Consciousness Due to Cold Allergy

Loss of Consciousness Due to Cold Allergy – Allergy to cold weather is an allergy that many sufferers, with that this allergy is often underestimated and considered harmless by the sufferer.

Often experience itchy skin when touching cold objects? It could be, you have allergies. Indications of an allergy to cold temperatures are not as simple as people in general, but can be complex and even require medical treatment.

Cold allergies seem to be more common in adolescents. Reactions can occur when the weather is cold, windy, and humid. In about 50 percent of cases of cold allergy, the condition can completely resolve or improve within five to six years. However, some people can experience this allergy for years or even for life.

1. General knowledge about cold allergies

cold allergy, or the medical term is urticaria, is a condition of the skin’s reaction to cold that appears a few minutes after exposure to cold. The affected skin will develop a rash, bumps, and itching. This condition is also often referred to as hives.

People with cold allergies experience different symptoms. Some have mild reactions, while others may have severe reactions. Part of the sufferer, swimming in cold water can cause very low blood pressure, fainting, and shock.

2. Symptoms are felt

Signs and symptoms experienced by people with cold allergies include:

Red, itchy, swollen skin rash on skin exposed to cold temperatures
The reaction worsens even though the skin has warmed
Swollen hands when handling cold objects
Swollen lips from consuming cold food or drinks

Severe reactions may include:

A whole body response (anaphylaxis), which can cause fainting, a racing heart, swelling of the limbs or trunk, and shock
Swelling of the tongue and throat, which can make breathing difficult
The worst reactions generally occur with full skin exposure, such as when swimming in cold water. Such reactions can lead to loss of consciousness and drowning

Cold allergy symptoms begin after the skin is exposed to a sudden drop in air temperature or cold water. Humid and windy conditions can cause allergy symptoms to appear. Every time a cold allergy appears, it is estimated to last about two hours.

Also Read:Foods That Neutralize Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

3. Causes cold allergies

In its most common form, exposure to cold triggers the release of histamine and other chemicals into the bloodstream. These chemicals cause redness, itching, and sometimes a whole body (systemic) reaction.

Although in general the causes of cold allergies are not known for sure, the following can be an illustration of the possible causes for you to experience cold allergies:

  • Certain people seem to have very sensitive skin cells due to heredity, viruses, or disease
  • In classic genetic diseases, the risk of a cold allergy from an affected parent to a child is reduced by as much as 50 percent for each pregnancy. The risk is the same for each pregnancy of the sexes of boys and girls
  • Some forms of cold urticaria are also symptoms of the autoimmune system. Autoimmune disorders are caused when the body’s natural defenses against “foreign” organisms begin to attack healthy tissue for unknown reasons (eg, antibodies)
  • Skin that is exposed to cold is the main trigger for the symptoms of the disorder. In fact, casual activities such as walking in cold weather, swimming in cold water, or even bathing in cold water can trigger an allergic reaction